About AOS dates

When I started my real estate career my biggest fear was missing a deadline and defaulting on the Agreement of Sale (AOS). Calculating, tracking and meeting deadlines was overwhelming, especially when working on numerous transactions simultaneously. I knew there had to be an easier way than pulling out my calendar and manually counting days. I witnessed other agents getting completely frustrated because they couldn’t get in touch with their clients to remind them of approaching deadlines.

effortless imageThis was the origin of the creation of AOS dates™ – a way for agents to easily input the number of days for each milestone and automatically calculate dates and generate reports to be shared with each party involved in the transaction. An effortless way to ensure that everyone is working with the SAME TIME frames to arrive at the SAME PLACE: the settlement table.

To take it a step further, AOS dates™ can be set up to automatically send out email reminders to any party to the transaction reminding them of the upcoming deadlines. For example, remind the lender that the mortgage commitment is due, the buyers that they need to schedule the home inspection, or the sellers that they need to request the Certificate of Resale and related documents from the condo/homeowners association.

AOS dates™ was created based on the Pennsylvania Agreement of Sale, however it can be used for any transaction from Alabama to Wyoming. You have the ability to modify and/or add milestones to calculate and track based on your state’s real estate contract and set these as your default.

I know from working with numerous agents, we all have our own default timeframes we use when writing up a contract. The most essential step is to take the time before you start using this application to set up your templates and defaults. Simply input the data and once completed, all you have to do is enter the property address, the parties’ information and a few key dates, and AOS dates™ takes care of the rest for all your transactions. It couldn’t be simpler. And most importantly, your clients will thank you for keeping them informed every step of the way to settlement.

My hope is you will find AOS dates™ alleviates some of the challenges we as real estate agents encounter on just about every transaction. I encourage you to take full advantage of all the features this application has to offer by signing up for a FREE TRIAL (one real estate transaction start to finish with all the bells and whistles). I would love to hear your feedback as you start to use it. Please let me know of any enhancements to the application you think would be helpful to the rest of us agents out there.